Online Collaborative Proofing & Asset Management: Must-Haves for Marketing

When marketing teams add technology to their marketing stack, the most common types are seemingly a no-brainer: CRM, email marketing software, social media management tools, etc. But if you’re considering a project management solution, the unfortunate reality is that most project management software fails to meet the unique needs of marketing, because it isn’t designed to handle the diversity of creative projects. Download this e-book to discover the most critical, yet often overlooked capabilities from which you can benefit when you leverage a Marketing Project Management solution.

Your Creative Content on the Tightrope

Creative briefs are poorly written. Key reviewers delay feedback. Deadlines are compressed. Creative teams have fewer resources or a smaller number of staff. Let’s face it, your creative content’s path to market is a tightrope. The right tools can help you stay balanced. Download this article to discover how your marketing and communications teams can successfully walk the tightrope and deliver high quality creative content on a deadline.

Eliminate Reactivity and Enable Creativity in Marketing

Getting creative content from concept to completion is a complex journey that can easily be derailed when creative teams use the wrong KPIs to measure their productivity. Learn what the right metrics are to eliminate these obstacles in your end-to-end creative process and ultimately make time for creativity in marketing. Download the e-book today.